
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Episode 81: Get On My Level! (Or, "Because Kentucky!")
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Reunited for the first time since Episode 24 (?!??!?!$!)!*&)$&!%()#^&#@)%(&!), Micah and Steve, aka sneaki, go through the past four years of life, music, and Jonas Brothers (who seem to fit in the middle there, somewhere). They run through over a dozen solid jams, including your Token British Song of the Week, a couple of tribute tunes for artists we've lost, and probably the longest Breakdown session in 81 podcasts' time. Music nerddom ensues. Get into it! Also, catch Micah on Twitter (sometimes), YouTube (eternally), Instagram (why not?), and anywhere else the internet permits! Oh, yeah, and iTunes... still... hopefully!

Monday Aug 03, 2015
Episode 80: Take COVER!, Pt. 4! (Or, "I Forgot To Mention South Dakota!")
Monday Aug 03, 2015
Monday Aug 03, 2015
No one probably ever thought we'd get there, but we've miraculously made it to Episode 80 of The ONLY Songs That Matter Podcast... and, it's Take COVER!, Part 4! A podcast that was brewing for about 10 months, it features covers of jams by Stevie Wonder, Queen, Daft Punk, John Lee Hooker, Blondie, T-Swizzle, and so many more! Plus, Micah recaps the past few months in The Breakdown, though he forgets to mention his trip to South Dakota, his 45th state. It's 80 minutes of audio entertainment for the 80th episode.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Bonus Non-Episode #5: Farmaroo 6, Pt. 1! (Or, "Say Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!")
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Here's another Bonus Non-Episode of The ONLY Songs That Matter Podcast, bringing you the first installment of the best of Farmaroo 6! Led, as always, by Clayton Daniels, and featuring Jordan Sherman, Ryan Leo, Sam Averbuck, Brian Maple, Jahida Esperanza, Trevor Kemp, Sharon Perrone, and Jonathan Evans, as well as many, many more! We've got your Farmaroo classics, as well as new favorites (including "Uptown Funk"... hot damn!). [Photo credit: Matt Kupferman]

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Episode 79: Late Podcast with Micah White!
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Micah returns with a rockin' episode, despite mourning the end of Late Show with David Letterman. Micah discusses that and a slew of other topics during the Breakdown. Also, several debuts from bands and artists of the '90s, '00s, and today! Tweet Micah @micahwhite and use the hashtag #TOSTM on Twitter, and rate and review the podcast on iTunes!

Monday Jan 05, 2015
Episode 78: Hot Damn! (Or, "So Many Horns!")
Monday Jan 05, 2015
Monday Jan 05, 2015
New year, new episode, and new theme song (we've tried it before... will this one take?)! All that aside, this is quite an exquisite episode of The ONLY Songs That Matter Podcast. Enjoy, tweet Micah @micahwhite and use the hashtag #TOSTM on Twitter, and rate and review the podcast on iTunes!

Monday Dec 22, 2014
Episode 77: Micah Hates Christmas!
Monday Dec 22, 2014
Monday Dec 22, 2014
Micah made a Christmas podcast episode. He doesn't want to talk about it.

Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Episode 76: No One Likes A Basic Issue! (Or, "Abruptly Ending Songs!")
Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
The podcast returns, after a brief-yet-long 2-month hiatus... and it's the longest episode ever! Because you never know when the next one will be. 13 tracks grace your ears in this episode, including an impromptu mini-block of THREE Token British Songs! Incidentally, many of them end abruptly. All this, plus a lengthy Breakdown to let Micah get you caught up on recent happenings. Tweet Micah @micahwhite and use the hashtag #TOSTM on Twitter, and rate and review the podcast on iTunes!

Monday Aug 18, 2014
Episode 75: The Podcast Makes Seventy-Five! (Or, "I'm Not A Big Gusher!")
Monday Aug 18, 2014
Monday Aug 18, 2014
It's Micah's first podcast from Colorado! This week Micah brings some tunes old and new, and gushes about a great band he just discovered, thanks to some tickets from the City of Denver. Tweet Micah @micahwhite and use the hashtag #TOSTM on Twitter, and rate and review the podcast on iTunes!

Monday Jul 28, 2014
Episode 74: Synth Up In This Piece!
Monday Jul 28, 2014
Monday Jul 28, 2014
This week, despite the episode title that may imply a theme, Micah brings a random assortment of tracks to your ears, including what he calls the most perfect pop song under 2 minutes long (2 minutes)! A few of the songs feature an F-bomb or two, hence Micah's listener warning at the top of the show. All this, plus an abbreviated Breakdown, in this episode of The ONLY Songs That Matter Podcast. Tweet Micah @micahwhite and use the hashtag #TOSTM on Twitter, and rate and review the podcast on iTunes!

Friday Jul 11, 2014
Episode 72: Did I GO To College?! (Or, "I'm Sick of Themes!")
Friday Jul 11, 2014
Friday Jul 11, 2014
It's the third anniversary of The ONLY Songs That Matter Podcast! (Even if Micah doesn't always remember the name correctly.) Micah celebrates with a slew of classics, and a new tune or two. Also, we'll discuss LeBron James' newest decision, Rosie O'Donnell, and the World Cup in the Breakdown. Tweet Micah @micahwhite and use the hashtag #TOSTM on Twitter, and rate and review the podcast on iTunes!